If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge can effectively fill the gap and restore your smile's completeness.
Missing teeth can make it challenging to chew your food properly or speak clearly. A dental bridge can restore your ability to eat and speak comfortably.
When teeth are missing, surrounding teeth may shift out of alignment over time. A dental bridge helps maintain the proper alignment of your smile, preventing further dental issues.
If you're self-conscious about gaps in your smile, a dental bridge can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Trevino to discuss your oral health concerns and determine if a dental bridge is the right solution for you.
If a dental bridge is recommended, Dr. Trevino will prepare the teeth adjacent to the gap by reshaping them to accommodate dental crowns. If implants are necessary, he will discuss this option with you.
A digital impression of your teeth and the gap will be taken to create a custom-fit dental bridge that perfectly matches your smile. At our practice, we utilize state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology — no messy impression materials required.
Using CEREC technology, we can craft your bridge in-house using high-quality materials, ensuring durability and a natural appearance.
Once your bridge is ready, Dr. Trevino will carefully bond or cement it onto the prepared teeth or attach it to the implants, effectively filling in the gap left by missing teeth.
Dr. Trevino will make any necessary adjustments to ensure your bridge fits comfortably and functions properly, allowing you to enjoy your new smile with confidence.
These bridges consist of “pontics” held in place by dental crowns placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap.
Suitable for cases with only one adjacent tooth, a cantilever bridge utilizes a single dental crown to support the pontic.
Also known as resin-bonded bridges, Maryland bridges use minimal preparation and are bonded to the back of adjacent teeth for support.